Saturday, January 5, 2008

Praying at Wat Traimit

When people pray, they bring three things to offer, a lotus bud , a stick of incense and a candle.

A happy cat at Wat Trimitr

I have found a cat which looks like our kittie on the temple ground. People leave pets knowing they will be taken care of.

Bells at Wat Trimitr

They hung bells under the eve of a roof. The sound of bell tell people where a temple is.

Friday, January 4, 2008

A Buddha covered with gold leaf at Wat Trimitr

Visitors bring gold leaf and put it on a place they want to be cured. Students put gold leaf on the head of Buddha to become more smart.

Wat Trimitr ( Golden Buddha Temple )

This is the first temple which our city bus tour stopped by. They have the world's largest solid gold Buddha.

Sala at Wat Po

Buddha was believed to be born under a Sala tree like this. If you want to know more about how Buddha was born, you can go to the following link.

Yoga Statue at Wat Po

This is one of the statues which show how to do self massage. People used to practice self massage by looking at series of statues. Is this a dove pause?